

1. 日本長老教会は国内における宣教活動を積極的に行うために、国内外の教会、宣教団体と協力する際、以下の原則によって宣教協約を結ぶものとする。

2. 本教会が協力して行う国内における宣教活動は日本長老教会憲法に基づいて行うものとし、その働きの性格に応じて小会、中会、または大会の下に置かれるものとする。

3. 日本長老教会が他教会・他団体と宣教協力を行う際は、国内宣教委員会は渉外委員会との協議を経て本教会大会の定める宣教協約に基づき行うものとする。小会、中会は、中会伝道委員会の協議、中会の決議を経て、本教会大会の定める宣教協約に基づいて行うものとする。

4. 日本長老教会が宣教協約を結ぶ教会または宣教団体について、渉外委員会が神学と歴史的経緯について調査を行う。

5. 他教会や宣教団体からの資金援助については「外部団体からの定期的経済支援規準」に則る。

6. 宣教協力を行っている国内外の教会・宣教団体が土地・建物等の購入をする場合は、国内宣教委員会、中会、または小会と財産の所属と処分についての覚書を交わす。

7. 協力教師の身分に関して問題が生じた場合は、日本長老教会は憲法の教師の規定に準じてこれを取り扱う。最終段階としては協力教師身分を停止または剥奪することが出来るものとする。その判断に関しては派遣された宣教団体に報告をする。

8. 宣教協力及びそれ以外の教会との関係について、以下を定める。

①宣教協力関係(Missional Cooperation Relations)

  1. 一方からの、あるいは相互の宣教の協議と策定および協力
  2. 上級会議(総会、大会)への公式な問安使による挨拶の交換及び審議の参加
  3. 共通の重要問題の解決に関する相互の協力
  4. 共通に関係する問題についての情報と意見の交換、研修会・修養会等の案内
  5. 信条・教会規程・典礼書・大会記録及び讃美歌集等の交換

②友好関係(Fraternal Relations)

  1. 上級会議(総会、大会)への公式な問安使による挨拶の交換及び審議の参加
  2. 共通の重要問題の解決に関する相互の協力
  3. 共通に関係する問題についての情報と意見の交換、研修会・修養会等の案内
  4. 信条・教会規程・典礼書・大会記録及び讃美歌集等の交換

③連絡関係(Communication Relations)

  1. 上級会議(総会、大会)への公式なオブザーバーとしての挨拶の交換
  2. 共通に関係する問題についての情報と意見の交換
  3. 信条・教会規程・典礼書・大会記録及び讃美歌集等の交換、研修会・修養会等の案内

④超教派協力(Ecumenical Fellowship)





【宣教協力関係】日本長老伝道会(The Japan Presbyterian Mission)、大韓イエス教長老会(高神)釜山老会、大韓イエス教長老会(合神)、オーストラリア長老教会(The Presbyterian Church of Australia)

【友好関係】日本キリスト改革派教会、正統長老教会(The Orthodox Presbyterian Church)



Guidelines for Cooperation in Mission with Other Church Entities

In order to materialize the Church universal as the Body of Christ (Constitution, General Principles, Article 7), and in response to the Great Commission of the Lord, The Presbyterian Church in Japan will cooperate in other Reformed church entities in mission efforts and have fraternal relationships. And, in cooperation with para-church entities that follow the Reformation principle of the Sola Scriptura, PCJ will contribute to the furtherance of the Kingdom of God (Constitution, General Principles, Article 43) .

1. When the Presbyterian Church in Japan (PCJ) wishes to engage in cooperation in missions with other church entities for the purpose of furthering her mission efforts, the following principles are to be observed.

2. Any missional work carried out in Japan in cooperation with another church entity is to observe the PCJ Constitution and to be subject to the authority either of a session of a local church, a presbytery or the General Assembly depending on the nature of the missional work concerned.

3. When the PCJ wishes to engage in a cooperation-in-mission relationship with other churches or missionary organizations, the relationship should be ratified the General Assembly on the basis of consultation and agreement between the Domestic Missions Committee and the Inter-Church Relations Committee.

4. The Inter-Church Relations Committee will conduct an inquiry into the history and the doctrinal positions of the entity in question, in order to confirm the compatibility.

5. When a missional work carried out in cooperation with other churchly entity receives a financial support from other churches or mission organizations, the ‘Rules Pertaining to Constant Financial Support from External Entities’ is observed.

6. When a missional work carried out in cooperation with other church entity purchases a property, a memorandum of understanding stating whom it belongs and how it is to be dispensed is to be signed between all the parties involved, in consultation with the Domestic Missions Committee and/or the presbytery involved.

7. When there is an issue with a mission-partner in the said relationship, it will be duly handled under the regulations pertaining to the ministers in the Constitution of the PCJ. The General Assembly preserves the right to terminate or revoke the status as a cooperating missionary. The decision is duly reported to the partner-in-mission organization.

8. The missional cooperation and other fraternal relations with other ecclesiastical bodies be categorized as follows:

(1) Missional Cooperation Relations:

  1. Unilateral or mutual missional cooperation through consultations and detailed arrangements.
  2. Exchange of delegates at major assemblies (e.g., Synods, General Assemblies). A PCJ delegate will deliver greetings from the PCJ convener and could, if appropriate, participate in the discussion.
  3. Joint action in solving crucial issues of common responsibility.
  4. Exchange of information and views on major issues of common concern, and exchange of information on seminars and retreats,
  5. Exchange of Constitution and by-laws, Book of Common Order, Hymnody, the minutes of the assemblies, etc.

(2) Fraternal Relations

  1. Exchange of delegates at major assemblies (e.g., Synods, General Assemblies). A PCJ delegate will deliver greetings from the PCJ convener and could, if appropriate, participate in the discussion.
  2. Joint action in solving crucial issues of common responsibility.
  3. Exchange of information and views on major issues of common concern, and exchange of information on seminars and retreats,
  4. Exchange of Constitution and by-laws, Book of Common Order, Hymnody, the minutes of the assemblies, etc.

(3) Communication Relations

  1. The Interchurch Relationship Committee will be authorized to send a delegate as an observer to exchange greetings at major assemblies (e.g., Synods, General Assemblies).
  2. Exchange of information and views on major issues of common concern, and exchange of information on seminars and retreats,
  3. Exchange of Constitution and by-laws, Book of Common Order, Hymnody, the minutes of the assemblies, etc.

(4) Ecumenical Fellowships

In order to foster ecumenical unity of the Church, the Interchurch Relationship Committee will nominate to the General Assembly candidates for representatives of the PCJ for the evangelical ecumenical bodies such as the Japan Evangelical Alliance, Tokyo Christian Institute, and so on.

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